Back from BTN^^


Here I display pic of my groupmates

People ask. How's BTN?.

I answer. It was GREAT!.^^

I learned a lot. Mostly about History of Independence, and Constitution.

Ya, it's proved my mindset that we don't actually know everything before we try to get knowing everything.


Nobody can change facts.

I will always remember one in Perkara 3 constitution:
Islam adalah agama Persekutuan. Boleh diamalkan di mana-mana bahagian Persekutuan. Agama lain boleh diamalkan secara aman dan damai.

Haha. No more being prejudice. Not siding any side. Whoever is, do follow and prove that u obey the Constitution.

Perkara 153:
Hak keistimewaan orang Melayu.

None of Chinese, nor Indian, nor even Malays can change it. With any reasons. Malaysia is for all. But tanah Melayu will forever be Malays'.

Sound racist, m I?.Haha.
Actually no I'm not. Just want to refresh ur memory bout our history. How hard the Malays sacrificed the land just to get the state of independence.^^

Pic of Ikhwan Zhaki and Amien's group

Pic of Fiza's group~


Ran 2 km!!!!
Haha. A fact: I ran 0.5km, the rest-I walked!.hehe..Siap having chitty chatiing with a coach, Pak Mion=D. It was fun, after one and half years I havent ran that far!.

Waa..luckily not everybody saw me. I did seriously bad.=p

We had jungle trekking too^^
1st experience of mine with P.A.C.A.T.
The pacat was so FAT with My BLOODSSS!!.
Huh. After I get rid of it from my stomach, the blood didnt stop bleeding for 3hours!.
But anyhow it was an experience.heee

Patriotic songs.
My group won the 1st place!.We sang JALUR GEMILANG with a sajak by Jazli.
hehe.We didnt expect it either.

All in all, it was great. LDK with abang Jud, and everything.BEST!!^^

Abang Izuddin aka Abang Jud. Handsome aite?.^^

Hmm..immediately after I arrived my lovely home, I posted a new entry: TABARRUJ. As to fulfill my promise to some readers..uhu. Do read it and hopefully u'll get at least something from it.hehe.



Anonymous said…
adakah kontrak2 kerajaan itu juga hak orang melayu??
Ladyship Atie said…

x terfikir pulak nk tny ttg isu tu mase btn..hehe.
eksp said…
hahaha... selamat kembali dari BTN ^^ owh.. tak pernah main pacat rupanya... hahaha...
syashot said…

hehe. glad that u enjoyed ur btn. haha.

sayang, isi2 btn agak confidential xleh nak share kat blog ni eh. kalo x, sure menarik! ;)

aisehmen, kena pacat. huhu. scary gak eh. ktorang punye btn dulu pun, ade sorang kena pacat. huhu.

p/s: ur faci, if im not mistaken, sama mcm faci Afiqah mase ktorang punye btn dulu.

Ladyship Atie said…
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Anonymous said…
btn best, kan???
d way u wrote bout being 'kissed' by pacat is so funny.
later try lintah plak k?

nways, thanx for uploading our group's pic. appreciate it =)
Ladyship Atie said…



confidential ea?.
tapi nape my faci ckp kan, kite ley share info2 yg kite dpt dlm BTN dgn others..uhu.maknenye, x confidential la kan?.

nk taw x, pas balik dr kembara tu kan, toilet girls bising dgn girls' scream je..haha.



ya, it was great.
tapi kite x bertegur pun an?.hakz
lintah?. thanx!!

em bout d pic, no prob!
Anonymous said…
eleyhhh aty,pacat pun nk kecowww.lembek laaa.buat malu je.*evil laugh*
Anonymous said…
org dah start membajak kat sawah padi.
lintah2 sure banyak.
kunjungilah sawah padi berhampiran ye =)

a'ah, kita x bertegur pun. =)
syashot said…
owh, ye ke? erm, x sama ke content btn kte?

dulu fasi kitorang ckp, ape2 yg dibincangkan especially dlm LDK adalah tertutup dalam bilik LDK je.

once ktorang kluar, kalau didapati membincangkan isu2 dalam LDK di luar, bole kena ISA~(lbey kurang camtu la maksud fasi tu)

hehe. xtau la plak. wallahu'alam.

p/s: bole imagine toilet, girls, n screaming..hehe.

BTN memang bagus.Matangkan pemikiran kita. Tapi, awas, kena nilai semua maklumat yang diberikan secara ilmiah. Banyak sungguh doktrin yang disumbat mereka ke dalam pemikiran kita. Memang kita setuju dengan ketuanan Melayu, tapi yang lebih bersifat rabbaniy adalah ketuanan Islam.

Eh, Ikhwan Zhaki dad's name is Zhaki....huhu...special tu...
Ladyship Atie said…
paqin aka of dreams and reality,

eleykh..bajet gagah.ahakz



ape kate u je g sawah?.uhu;p
em, nanti bile da kena 'Kiss' dgn lintah, jgn lupe tolong send my regard to 'him' ea?.


sya aka myfikrah,

ade gak abg jud tu ckp discussion dlm ldk tu rahsia.
tapi ade gak die ckp ilmu tu sampai2kan.
ape2 je la kan?.^^

alamak, ni kalau kite tulis kt blog ni, kne ISA x?.


Ikhwan ZHAKI,

heee..betul3, I agree with u..
thats y I wrote in this entry, whoever is, do follow and obey the constitution.
Bukan sekadar kata2 manis di mulut w'out any action.

em bout ur dad's name, im sorry, i'Allah I'll correct it soon.sorry ya!
Syed Marwan said…
BTN.. BTN...
Haha! BTN..

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