Invest On Beauty


Early warning: I'm only sharing with you based on my observations, my conversations with random people and my family members inclusively, and and the analysis I made by myself.

2nd warning: Ini bukan self-reflection, bukan untuk menyuruh sesiapa meminang penulis, atau mana-mana keadaan sewaktu dengannya.Atie hanya share pengalaman berbual dengan makcik-makcik di sini okay.

Orang sekarang banyak merungut, belanja untuk kahwin sangat mahal. And I always wonder, why does this kind of thing arise?.I bet it's not only happening in Malaysia, but all over the world. So I dare myself to ask and keep asking people, especially those who're called 'mothers of daughters'.

So by the end of this entry, please, I hope u open ur mind and take things easily. Because this blog is the place to share, and this entry is to tell u what do people out there think and how do they view things, which they might be completely different than the way we do.So just, okay?.

So lets start.Remember, the public is speaking in this entry, bukan Atie okay.Im just jotting them down here.

Cuba anda tanya ibu-ibu di luar sana, yang bukan religious-type of mothers, mesti most of them akan mengharapkan anak-anak mereka dikahwinkan dengan orang senang, berkemampuan, etc. Pernah tak terfikir kenapa?.Meh Atie list down some of the reasons.

  • Girls need to go to salon every month or at least once in three months. Cost sekali treatment at least rm120. Kalau anak dara dia ada masalah dandruff, atau mungkin kutu, atau rambut rosak, hairfall, or whatsoever la, cuba bayangkan how much do they cost the mother?.
  • Maintain ke'slim'an badan. Lebih-lebih lagi if anak dara mereka seorang yang berisi, mothers pasti akan jadi sangat risau, and sanggup hantar anak dara mereka ke tempat-tempat macam Slim World untuk jadi slim mcm ZZ, or maybe London Treatment, etc. Guys, go end check berapa kos untuk those kind of body treatments.Mahal taw.
  • Kalau gigi anak dara tak cantik, sanggup spend hundreds or thousands untuk jadikan cantik. Lepas tu si jejaka terpikat kat anak dara ni, and kantoi dia terpikat sebab gigi yang tersusun rapi. Hah. Of course la si ibu akan minta compensation. Ingat murah nak bagi gigi yang rongak dan rosak bertukar jadi cantik?.
  • Apparels need to be renewed every month. Oh u knew this, didnt u?.
  • Mothers hendak si jejaka membuktikan his willingness to sacrifice for their daughters. So mereka sengaja meletakkan nilai mas kahwin, dan kos belanja kahwin yang tinggi so that mereka yakin bahawa si jejaka memang mampu untuk memberi kesenangan pada anak dara mereka in future.
  • Mothers tak nak anak dara mereka menjadi mangsa lelaki yang kedekut. Mungkin si ibu juga adalah FEMINIST mcm the author of Symbolic Self?.haha.
  • Mungkin juga sebab mothers tahu bahawa si jejaka memang afford the high cost, so why not?. Bayangkan, kalau dah keturunan orang berada nak memetik bunga di taman, tentulah si ibu akan mengharapkan majlis yang meriah kan?.
  • Banyak lagi lah rasanya sebab-sebabnya. Pergilah cari makcik-makcik random kat luar sana dan tanya sendiri.

Maka, lelaki di luar sana, bersedialah dengan kemungkinan-kemungkinan seperti ini before u plan to tie the knots with ur girl. Be mentally ready, phisically prepared, eventhough materially insufficient, because ALLAH is OUR BANKER okay!.(+_+)

Yes, the religion discourage too-high of maskahwin, sebab Islam tak ajar Muslims untuk nilai sesuatu secara materialistik, tapi yang dinilai adalah keihkhlasan, keimanan, dan ketaqwaan. Ulama' argue, mas kahwin yang terlalu tinggi boleh menyebabkan anak dara kahwin lambat and eventually berlaku banyak maksiat secara berleluasa. Itulah masalahnya, tapi adakah ibu-ibu di luar sana sedar akan perkara ni?.

And, normally those who set high price for marriage are those who seriously care about their daughters' beauty. They have invested much on the beautiness of their daughters. So that is why things like this occur. Biasanya anak-anak dara mereka memang cantiklah, tip top.. Cuma sayangnya, mereka terlalu duniawi. So people, macam mana nak bantu masyarakat ni?.

Tambah pula sekarang ada banyak sistem pelik-pelik yang Islam tak ajar, macam mas kahwin ikut negeri, etc. Government sekarang yang memang dah sedia kurang concern about religious education, and education system yang lemah, masyarakat yang sungguh kurang kefahaman tentang Islam, makin hari makin rapuhlah pendirian Islam di negara kita kan. Maka makin hari makin mahal belanja untuk memetik anak dara orang. Sudahlah kadar inflasi pun semakin meningkat, currency tak stable. haha, tak ada kaitan. Sorry.

Okay sekian sahaja perkongsian bersama masyarakat. Atie belum ada pengalaman, tapi mungkin anda berpengalaman meminjam wang dari bank untuk kahwin and sekarang semput-semput nak bayar balik pinjaman bank tu?.Silalah kongsi rungutan anda di sini kalau sudi.

Kalau yang tak berpengalaman macam Atie, risau tak bila tiba masa kita nanti?.Bersyukurlah jika anda dikurniakan parents yang memang berkefahaman tinggi tentang Islam. Bagaimana dengan yang tidak seperti parents anda?.Kesian taw, I mean kesian pihak lelaki lah.

Oh ya, one more random info, after this please be careful everytime u go to spa. Because my hairstylist told me, that there are a lot of Spa out there offer illegal service, aka DIRTY service to the customers. Dont simply go in and straight away ask for treatment. Make sure u go to the trustable and highly credible one so that u won't be facing these kind of dirty people okay. Harap maklum.

RANDOM: MJ passed away, innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. Tapi yang tak bestnya, FLY fm banyak mainkan lagu MJ, indeed, I was never his fan. Maka sangat bosan dah FLY n Hitz. Asyik dengar lagu Annie Are U Okay, Are You Okay Are You Okay Annie. Tak Best Tak Best Tak Best. IKIM pulak time tengahari asyik buat promotion products. Nak pasang CD dalam kereta sungguh tak boleh harap maklum sebab my car sangat comel sampai tak mampu nak afford MP3.


Anonymous said…
ske sgt post ni..bru je ckp aritu..hahha nk mewah kn sumenye..
Atiqah said…
yeah..go girl..u need a break for all this...means,ur saloon, beauty, manicure, padicure....haha

nice entry..
DiN said…
saya belum baca lagi, tapi saya nak komen dulu! i agree 100% with the post's title! that's what i've been doing all this while (padahal saje nak cari excuse sebab dah terover shopping this month! hahaha! :p) now let me read first, then I'll comment again! hahaha!
daly said…
I've heard abt the spas yg offer 'that' kind of treatment.. so everyone, BEWARE!.. oh its gud la if the salon offers room espc 4 girls wearing tudung.. more salons shud implement dat.. n wad abt the usage of laptop? whoa! haha btw,awesome post atie! job well done :D
p.s. kusut sbb pikir psl kawin ke? hehehe, x pyh pikir pjg2, bila tiba masa kawin je hehe u noe im kidding rite?
Ladyship Atie said…
din, careful! i takut u disappointed pas bace this entry haha.
DiN said…
ok now that i've read it....i'm paranoid now! mahal gila kot nak kawin dgn pompuan skarang! hahahaha!

But getting a bank loan sebab nak kawin? that is ridiculous! kalau reception pun tak mampu, camne nak tanggung anak org for the rest of your life? i strongly disagree dgn the idea of ambil bank loan just nak kawin!

anyway i don't mind spending to keep my wife pretty! =) hopefully by the time come, i'm capable lah to maintain her beauty! haha!

eh, plucking eyebrow is haram right?
eh i pun bru je pegi salon n potong rmbut! hahaha atie u ni suke tiru i *blushing blushing* hahahahah
Anonymous said…
Salam. x pe ke bgtau orang ramai apa yang kita wat utk diri kita? maksudnya bila bgtau kita g saloon, then rasanya org yg baca pun blh terbayang rambut ukhtie. maaf, sekadar pandangan.
syued said…
salam.. atie.. setuju sgt entry ni..cuma nak ingtkan diri syued dn semua yg lain.. x perlu kot klu nak bg tau kat public apa yg kita dah lakukan utk diri kita terutama kecantikan bab2 yg aurat kita.. :) sekadar pngdangan.. sbb ianya blh menimbulkan perbagai2 pikiran2 yg kurang enak (sprt terbayang-bayanga dll) .. harap faham kot maksud syued nak smpaikan...

sekadar pandangan dr seorang hambaNya maaf sekiranya terslh (=
drzahau said…
"Untuk mendapat sesuatu yang besar, kita patut BANYAK berkorban
perkara-perkara yang kecil."..cheese..:-)
DiN said…
MJ died. Leaving behind him a legacy of one of the greatest music and performances of the modern history. It made me start to think, what kind of legacy would i leave for the world the day i died...?

One of my favourite movie quotes is from Braveheart. William Wallace with his hand chained and waiting for his execution said to his love interest: "Every man dies, not every man really lives".

Before he uttered those words, he was offered to beg for mercy from the King of England or face a painful death by the ancient style of belly ripping before the axe comes down on his neck.

Nevertheless William Wallace stay true to his ideals and are fully prepared to die for it.

Staying true to the drama, i would believe that if just William Wallace bows down to the torture and beg for mercy from the King, he would just be another coward who got to his knees begging for his life to be spared.

But his choice to gave up his life for the ideals has inspired the Scottish after him to continue their fight for freedom from England. Or so like it has been told by the movie.

Point is William Wallace left a legacy of a fight for liberty and freedom for his people. Ironically his death would mean an eternal life for him. People especially the Scots would always have in their hearts what he have done for them. Eventhough he's not with them anymore but his presence would always be felt through his stories or his histories that has been cast in stone.

This phenomenon is always true for those who have left a legacy for the world to cherish and remember. MJs songs and dance would always be there until the end of time. Just like Wallace for Scotland, Lincoln, Kennedy, Martin Luther King for America, Einstein and Newton for Physics, Galileo for Astronomy, Hayek for Free Market, Smith for Economics, al Jabar for Algebra, Ibn Sina for Medicine, Salahuddin for Jerusalem, al Fateh for Constantinople, the Prophets for islam or even perhaps some time in the future Mahathir for Malaysia or Hassan Merican for PETRONAS.

What would i be remembered as the day i die? Would the things i do now contribute to the world and its people that they would still sing my name even when i am no more. Or would i be just another fellow who people would'nt even know ever lived in this world?

Perhaps the worst i could do is to have my children and friends to be able to say my name proudly after i die. And i dont plan to achieve the worst in life. And I hope you all wont as well.

So since we are still alive, young, healthy, having the time to do things and having the money to do things today, lets contribute as much as we can for that we would make a difference in this world and be remembered for our legacies before the day we leave it for good.
Anonymous said…
smart2.. mesti best dpt jumpe ngan makcik2 tu.. sbb mereka punye pendapat tu yg buat kite berfikir sejenak..
btw, your last sentence is so coooool..
Ladyship Atie said…
thanx sume!

okay girls, p propose din skang haha.

din, u boleh buat one new entry for ur comment. gilelah panjang haha.but seriously, im amazed!nice one friend, and i cudnt agree more with what u said.



whats with that sentence?.haha mcm xde bnd je kt ayat tu?.
DiN said…
hahahaha new entry in your blog la! saya mmg takkan meng-create blog! the comment is totally out of your topic! but since you're brought up pasal MJ, so i pun terasa la nak tulis something related to MJ gak. haha.

oi don't suka2 suruh org propose i! i'll choose one when i'm ready! haha :)
Ladyship Atie said…
okay xpe lepas ni if u terase ade any great idea nk u buat je article n mintak i publish kan, no prob as long as its beneficial haha.

i'll choose one when im ready.ey u shud b ready by now haha.
Munsyi said…
I just read this post. hmm.agak lambat comment

Ok. FYI, bkan lelaki Islam M'sia je yg kna maskawin mahal ni. aritu ade sorg bro middle eastern kt uia ni wat presentation psl ni & he said kt negara die +-50thousand maskawin. xingat exact no.

Nice entry. Harap makcik2 luar sana dpt pertimbangkn. sian la kami kaum yg lemah ini.sudah la br abes blaja. gaji pon xstabil lg,nk elak maksiat, nk kna kawin. huhu

diorg kena cek betul2. kalo laki2 tu Islamnya bagus,tp gaji kurg, ape salahnye bg turun sket maskawin tu.

kalo laki2 golongan bangsawan,lainla. letak harga kete merc 2-3 buah pon ok lg. :)
Ahmad Syafiq said…
Allah... Nak kahwin pada masa sekarang pun susah. Aduhai... Tak tau nak cakap apa... *tergamam*

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