Internet Is Somehow Irritating Apart From Being Comforting


I know her.
I know him.
He's my friend's girlfriend, I found her in FB.haha
He's broke up with her.
He has new gf.
Bla bla bla.

May I know u?
I love you.[chett padahal kenal from blog je sabar jela]
Bla bla bla.[noted:talking bad too much about something to ppl aint good u know that?.LOL]

Okay actually the main point I am about to highlight here in this entry is....
Please dont simply fall in love with people via internet.

We won't know that the real person might be jongang, or may be a criminal and unexpectedly the criminal is the writer of the SYMBOLIC SELF yg comel ni hahaha.
U won't know how evil the person u fall in love with eventhough in friendster, or fb or blog he/she seems to be the nicest girl/guy u ever met in this world.

You won't know how gatal or miang or pervert he/she is in reality.He might have fallen in love with so many girls in the internet and said exactly the same flowery words to other girls as how he did to you.
[Okay I purposely put it as if guys to be blamed, due to the spirit of feminism of mine haha]

Lets narrow it to my own experience.
Ive been 'tackled' by one guy who seems to be so nice, pious, etc.
But ya, he's completely LAME.
He kept updating me ALL pictures of his which showed that he was being the imam of prayers, he was bersalaman with those VIPs and whatsoever craps I never ever care and dont even want to.
Unluckily I was immatured at that point of time. I was cheated. *sigh*
Terkantoy yang this COW did approach another girl exactly the same way as he did to me. Damnation!![copyright@2009 AleenRuk2]

Serious la wey. Tolong lah jangan suka suka hati intan payung jantung je nak luahkan kata-kata cinta kalau setakat baru kenal kat alam maya in few months, or maybe few days pun layaann.
Its risky, dont u realise that?.
Pity the people surround you who might have crush on you.
Dont simply put the adjective:'pathetic' to them, they're innocent.

p/s: konon2 blog ni is an english blog and I made the Malay version as italic.HAHA.suka hati Atie la.

p/s agi: my experience tu was years ago:D


d4uh said…
pengalaman anda alami itu agak lucu...haha...
'We won't know that the real person might be jongang, or may be a criminal and unexpectedly the criminal is the writer of the SYMBOLIC SELF yg comel ni hahaha.'

muntah dgn hebat lepas baca ayat ni.wahaha cpt x i bg comment??heheheh i keje online je skrg haiiihhhh
Anonymous said…
i likeeeeeeeee this baby!!.haha.i experienced first love i found thru chatting,bet u knw who i meant aite?.da besar2 baru pkr how lame laa.its ok,treat it as life experience.we'll do better nxt time.hahha.
DiN said…
lol, i used to be one of those bastards! hahaha!
Ahmad Syafiq said…
Lor...pernah tertipu di Internet ke...hahahaha, kesian Atie masa tu. :P

Some men knows how to sweet talk girls, and some girls really like sweet talk, which is why falling in love on the Internet happens.

So...never ever trust love from the Internet. LOL!
suehanna said…
geez. slow down boy. u've gotta have balls lah kalau nak tackle girls pown, lagi pulak girls like atie. apa lah, org macam ni pown ade jugak ke? =.=

atie, ada poem untuk you. jap g i paste ok? (:
suehanna said…

humm tak tahu nak komen mcm mana. ok kot ~
Ladyship Atie said…

ye,sy pun rase cmtu sekarang.tapi ade rase cm 'otak udang' gak diri ni sbb comel2 kena tipu haha.



u muntah?.eyy mengandung ke???haha



haha.i know i know. lepas ni paqin jatuh cinta dgn orang 'seuniversity' lak la kan weee;p



chett!!.used to be, so now dah tak la kan?.
hope so haha


ahmad syafiq,

i dont really like nor trust sweet talk easily. but i was just too immature at that time cuz he was kinda serious with his intention.

cis rase cm otak udang ag haha



hehe suke!!makashih ya!



apakah yg okay?
DiN said…
now? hmm.....i'm still sweet talking with girls, but with no intention of leading her on lah....i mean, come on, guys should always talk nicely to the girls right? (<---see, this is sweet talk! haha).

but if i like someone, my sweet talk with her obviously gonna be different lah with the rest of the girls....hahaha. :p

anyway, that guy you mentioned was shallow man, i mean, using the pictures of him becomes 'Imam' to get you? sigh..... I thought people who carries religious image (I'm assuming here that he carries religious image....) would not resort to such shallow act to get a girl..... haih bad and shallow guys are everywhere eh?
Ladyship Atie said…
yes obviously, bad guys are everywhere.

i didnt realise that in the 1st place and thats y i was easily cheated.

but religious image shouldnt lead us to the assumption that those ppl wont do such things as we did. cuz somehow, they're still humans.
m i right?

em ya, i agree, that guys should talk nicely to girls. esp to those like me haha, who can easily be hurt by harsh words muahaha[budget soft;p]
in fact, everybody shud talk nicely to ppl.
no doubt bout that.
DiN said…
anyway, i won't say never trust a person that you know over the internet. some can be trusted, like me.... lol :p

ok seriously, you just need to filter out the junks from the genuine diamonds. over doing with sweet talk is definitely one of a sign that you should be aware of. guys that overdo with sweet talks are either:

a) desperate, or
b) player.

you don't want to be with either one of this type, do you? so watch out for signs. not only people over the internet that can't be trusted, people that you met on the street cannot be trusted also.

i agree that we shouldn't make an assumption about people carrying religious image won't do such things, but that is how our world operates. We assumed lawyer knows the law, and will abide them, but we heard some cases in which the lawyer cheats their clients, or breaks the law, and got thrown in the jail.

So, it's not wrong to assume that people carrying religious image won't do such things.

Assumptions are there to simplify things. We just need to treat them cautiosly.

my 2 cents.... :)
daly said…
oh gosh comel ke? i lagi comel kot... haha n btw who's d guy yg sgt kurang ajar buat u camtu? let's teach him a lesson! shabuya! hehe :P
Anonymous said…
salam atie..
waah~ 1st time i menyemak here =P~
salu, i jadi silent reader je..hihi~
nice entry atie..lately, i was thinking bout this too..
btw, i think most of the man were naturally born with this 'sweet talk' or 'gentleman act' habit either they are aware of it or not..[no offence k!! this is a compliment =P~]
the best of them are the one that use these to the 'right one' n the 'halal' one.
when we meet the man that does not use this sweet talk to the right one, we should avoid him n b careful as i think he has a big potential to b a jerk =P~ tak gitu??

Besides, Islam dah meletakkan tatacara mu3malah dgn lain jantina. pendek katanya, walapun they were born with these things, Islam yang cantik telah meletakkan peraturan n garis panduan so that they cannot just act ikut kepala dorg je. so atie, bother to write bout these things??

btw, the experience that He gives us is to increase our threshold for the next coming stimuli thus, we r not stimulated easily..kn2??
amani naser said…

pengalaman cani la yg mematangkan diri kter..
x syok la.. kl hidop ni best jer....
tp utk org yg berakal...
segala bnde ni dijadikan pengajaran...

atie the ladyship... :D
eksp said…
bercinta melalui internet??


nostalgia yang berulang2 kali.... buat rasa nak gelak sampai pecah perut pun ada...

owh... tetiba rasa yang diri nih dah tua...

damnation!! (pinjam perkataan copyright nih)

althaarique said…

wah, this post sure sounds abit harsh for this 'cow'. I guess you learned your lesson now =p.

be cautious but never be too cautious then miss..

take care
Munsyi said…
One of my ustaz told me, One Ulama' mu'tabar once said, there is no such thing as 1st sight love. to fall in love you need taaruf. We know Allah first, His attributes and etc, before we can say we love Allah.

For human, if the love is not from taaruf, it is from nafsu(desire). That's why people keep doing mistakes by keep falling down because of following their own desire, which is of course, not based on what Islam had taught us.

by taaruf, that does not mean you hv to go out with him/her for a date or anything. We can ask some of their close friends or even their siblings. It's up to us in the end.

Ladyship Atie said…

i feel like having an economic class la haha.

thanx for the 2 cents;p



wah ade blog dah now eh?.

em im not so good in muamalah, maybe ppl will scold me as im not elligible to talk or write about it.
tp i may share my experiences.
insyaAllah later bila ada masa kay?

yes, experience is a great teacher. itu zaman kecik2 LOL.

waalaikumussalam amani sayang:D




nostalgia ape yg berulang2 kali tuh?
haha owh ni mesti kes selalu cari bakal zaujah kt internet kan?.



insyaAllah, somehow im being too careful.huhu
insyaAllah i'll try:)


Munsyi Sama,

but i ges there are few opinions about this.
Because love at 1st sight is possible anyways.
Well, Allahua'lam~

ana_jundullah said…
salam ziarah..da tukar layout?? huhu..cute..
Munsyi said…
possible tu mmg possible. Tp slalu kalau love at 1st sight,slalunye ppl akan tgk luaran je. Nampak cantik/hensem, trus fall in love. yg tu kan nafsu.

Anonymous said…
mengikut kaedah2 parenting yg dicadangkan oleh pakar2 parenting, seorang ayah sepatutnya selalu 2 memuji anak 2 gadisnya. Kerana dlm lingkungan pembesaran gadis itu, org yg paling cepat si gadis itu jatuh cinta adalah pada ayahnya. Dgn pujian2 ini dan kasih sayang dari seorang ayah, bisa membuatkan gadis ini 'kebal' dari segala pujukan or rayuan manis2 lelaki2 yg bukan mahramnya di luar sana. Sebab dia sudah dibiasakan dgn puji2an. Agak sedih bila mendengar ada gadis2 yg mudah begitu jatuh cinta just dgn few sms sahaja..Ada yg sanggup serahkan segala2nya hanya utk sekeping burger berharga tak sampai 2 rinngit....
P/S:buat lelaki2, guru sy berpesan supaya memperbanyakkan doa dari surah al furqan ayat:74 walaupun anda masih lagi bujang atau dah kawin nak tambah satu lagi =D. Moga2 bisa mendapat org yg terbaik utk diri kita...wallahualam (And those who pray, "Our Lord! grant unto us wives and offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and give us (the grace) to lead the righteous.)
Dr Zahau said…
komen yg last ni paling best..:-)

regards- canberra
chaz said…
whats the problem of being jongang?
kalau org jongang bc post ko ni msti die marah. he's a God creation anyway..
Ladyship Atie said…
alamak nina,

sorry2 ak x state specifically dlm ni.
sbnrnye ak buat jongang tu sbb yg ak kena goreng tu org tu jongang gak ah sikit hahaha

sorry2, didnt mean to.
eksp said…
bukannya cari zaujah kat dalam internet..

tapi kenal2 dalam internet.. ntah macamana hampir nak sangkut... tuh je...

at least takde la tipu2 orang... heheheh

tuh pun zaman dulu2 di kala usia muda remaja.. haha
slaveofALLAH said…
salam...erm..mimie mampu tersenyum aje..coz dah malam kan...sbar ye atie sayang....

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