Owh Kini Terbukti Rakyat Malaysia Sungguh Prihatin>_<


Yesterday was a meaningful day.While driving to my lil sis's school, many cars which passed by me turn on&off their lights.I wonder, it's still afternoon, why did they turn on the light?. Then I turned my head 180 degrees behind, ensuring there was a car in front of them which may be driving too slow. But there wasn't any!.

Then why did they do so?.Signaling what?.

OMG!I abruptly said.
Hee.There's a roadblock in front of me. Haha,but I had nothing to worry about, as I'm such a 'pemandu berhemah' eheee. I already comforted myself in the seatbelt, low speed, etc etc.
Rupanya mereka nak bagi amaran bahawa ada polis di depan atie.;p

See, how concern Malaysians are!. Regardless races, they can simply warn anybody passing by them.uhu alhamdulillah(:

Teringat talk ustaz Hasrizal [saifulislam.com] sbb beliau selalu bagi contoh tentang pemandu bagi signal lampu untuk warn bahawa di depan itu ada polis. Tapi masa tu Atie tak terfikir pulak.haha

Okay okay

Okay teringat this one time my car broke down, err or should I say it couldn't start. hakz. I asked few policemen who were in charged at that place that night, to help fixing my car. Then unrequested, many taxi drivers around the place came and help to fix my car. Subhanallah, how nice they were!. And I was impressed, as they were Indians, Chinese, and Malays.
See, how lucky we are to be in this country who the people always concern about others!(:

That time the police pulak abruptly said: "Inilah rakyat Malaysia, ade India, Cina, Melayu sekali kerjasama tolong betulkan kereta kamu"

gambar hiasan ye(:

Haha macam nak tergelak sebenarnya masa uncle polis tu cakap macam tu.hehe tapi tahan tahan tahan atie.

Fine, this is randomly posted by me, sebab tak tahu kenapa, bahagia bila terfikir tentang kes-kes di atas. Mungkin nak kongsi rasa syukur sebab atie berada di sebuah negara yang aman damai bila tak dikaitkan dengan isu politik,hahaha.

Eh tahu tak, sebenarnya Atie and my sister plan nak travel to Thailand, tapi terpaksa cancel sebab Thailand tengah emergency. Bahaya, takut nanti kami jadi mangsa intruders tu.haha.
Mama pun dah warn kalau nak pergi jalan-jalan, make sure bukan Thailand.Hee
Akhirnya kami tukar: Brunei-Sabah-Sarawak. Wow 3 places in a week!.Wani pesan tak boleh selesa-selesa, kita travel in students' style. Haha habislah Atie!!!!Tak boleh nak make-over or touch up selalu,heee;p

Okay sorry, sebenarnya nak 'show off' yang atie dah mula baca news kat malaysia kini. Thanx to the commentor yg suggested to me to read malaysia kini. Best , simple!(:



Munsyi said…
i've experienced that..people flash their lights on/off just for 3 reasons: either they are someone u know, they r signaling bout the roadblock or u dont switch on ur light during night time..hehe..for me, moral values like this should be implemented in our mass-media more..so that people will help others not because of their looks, or gender or even race, but because it is a right thing to do
wahhh kalau i jd u mesti terharu gileeee org tlg bg warning mcm tu hahaha

ps:gile klakar gambar hiasan u! hahahahahahahahahhahahaa
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
ei puteri sarah,x kn x biase kot org bg warning cmtu...nmpk sgt slalu tido dlm keta...anyway, i don see any general knowledge related sentence in this entry,,.it just ur xperience...btw,good effort to embark reading malysia kini...then u will know nk pangkah which party in coming elctn...itu pn kalo u dh rgstr n eligible r...
a'ah slama ni tido muahahahaha
eksp said…
tuh la bestnya malaysia...

dan bagusnya, masih ramai orang yang bersifat prihatin macam tuh... harapnya dapat dikekalkan sampai bila2 amalan macam tuh...

nak buat travel bagpack ke? hehe.. menarik! my cousins and me baru cadang nak buat benda yang sama cuti sekolah bulan jun nih..

best best =)
Ladyship Atie said…

ya, i agree with u.
by ryte, the media should advertise the peace in malaysia more. Maybe malaysians will be more thankful to be malaysians.



u terharu tp bile tengok polis u terus jadi PANIC.





anonymous 2,

ish, memang la xde general knowledge dlm this entry.
hish. berlagak nyeee
im just 20
not yet eligible;p



yes yes travel backpack!!
xpernah pun agik.
tp sounds adventorous, which less suit dgn me.haha

but i shud try anyway.

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