

Muka aku sekarang macam tempat pembiakan suatu spesis bernama jerawat. Lepas satu, satu lagi jerawat akan keluar. I wasn't aware of the reason behind it. Aku pun gatal tangan duk kutil-kutil jerawat aku =( 

So, hasil daripada usaha keras aku mengutil satu demi satu jerawat yg keluar tu, muka aku yang dulunya cantik halus mulus lembut mcm kulit bayi (muahahaah perasan gile kan), sekarang tidak lagi ='(

This problem has started to occur for like, past few weeks. Kalau korang jumpe aku sekarang, mmg kulit aku banyak kesan parut jerawat kecik-kecik, sbb aku kutil! Sila menyesal sekarang! Pastu setiap hari mesti akan ade jerawat baru. arghhhhh =(

Rupanya, bila aku baca buku pregnancy, baru aku tahu, mmg this is one of the changes a pregnant woman would face. 

Your acne may become more irritated during pregnancy. The extra hormones in your body cause your oil glands to secrete more oil, which can cause breakouts.

Causes of Skin Changes During PregnancyChanges in hormone levels during pregnancy can produce a wide range of skin changes, from stretch marks to acne to darkening of the skin. Most of these changes disappear shortly after delivery.

  • During early pregnancy, some women develop acne, especially those who were prone to breakouts during menstrual periods before pregnancy.
  • On the other hand, some women find that acne improves during pregnancy.
Pregnancy can sometimes trigger acne, which many of us have not experienced since adolescence. Higher levels of hormones can encourage the production of sebum - the oil that keeps our skin supple - and too much sebum causes pores to become blocked, resulting in greasy skin and spots. 

You probably thought your pimple days were over. While the acne of pregnancy is rarely as severe as that of adolescence, you may need to return to some of your teenage cleansing rituals. Fortunately, pregnancy is much shorter than adolescence; the bumps and pimples will subside shortly after delivery. Avoid abrasive scrubs or exfoliants; pregnant skin is too sensitive for these. Milder, oatmeal-based facial scrubs (available at nutrition stores) can help unplug the oily pores, and are much kinder to sensitive skin. Because of the risk of birth defects, the anti-acne prescription drugs Accutane and Retin-A cannot be used during pregnancy. 

Ha, aku jumpe semua ayat2 di atas setelah melakukan sedikit kajian dari buku pregnancy dan juga dari Uncle Google. hewhew. Lega -.-"

Maka, inilah masa untuk menjadi pengguna produk Outer Nutrition yg tegar! Bhahahah.

Herbalife Skin Activator

Herbalife nourifusion line. MY FAVOURITE!!

Herbalife Radiant C. My second favourite!

Soothing gel, 'machine' mengecutkan jerawat no 1 di dunia! hewhew =p

Walaupun my pimples are unstoppable, aku tidak menjadikan itu alasan untuk membiarkan wajahku dikerumuni jerawat sekaligus menghodohkan wajahku! They are still, CONTROLLABLE. InshaAllah, sekarang masih dalam proses membaikpulih muka dengan produk-produk Herbalife kesayanganku. Kalau dulu jerawat batu pun aku mampu atasi, sekarang pasti boleh! heheheh. Menghilangkan parut jerawat yg aku kutil few weeks back. Tolong doakan aku dapat balik kulit yg licin dan cantik mcm dulu! bhahah.


Nak improve ur skin complexion?
Sila isi borang yg terdapat on top of this blog! =D


orang dah kawen pon leh tumbuh jerawat lagi ke atie :)
Ladyship Atie said…
hahah taufiq, bukan sebab kawen. tp sebab pregnant..nnt future wife kau mesti ade perubahan dari segi kulit jugak
Ladyship Atie said…
hahah taufiq, bukan sebab kawen. tp sebab pregnant..nnt future wife kau mesti ade perubahan dari segi kulit jugak
Anonymous said…
Comel je atie... Jgn kutil2.. Sembur face quencher ti... Hehe..

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