8 CharacteristicsOf A Person Who Manages His/Her Thoughts


Let us do some self-evaluation. Do we have all of these listed below? If we miss any one, we'll make it up, for ourselves, won't we? :D

  1. Decide to become the lead actor in the theater of his mind, to leave the audience and become the director of life's script.
  2. Is free to think but not a slave to thoughts; is the master, not the servant of thoughts.
  3. Govern thoughts - allowing quality thoughts to thrive but blocking thoughts that hinder development and debilitate mental health.
  4. Exercise dominance over thoughts that produce physological disorders.
  5. Exercise leadership of the self to become a person of influence.
  6. Resist the temptation to be a passive spectator of negative ideas, fears, anguish, and anxiety.
  7. Refuses to fixate on past or future problems.
  8. Has a relaxed, tranquil mind instead of agitated life. 
(Source: Think and Make It Happen, by Dr. Augusto Cury)

    All Muslims and Herbalifers must have all these characteristics, to ensure development in life and the hereafter. inshaAllah. 


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