Let Us Don't Be The Left One


Lets watch this video.

The Arrival.

Pardon me for introducing this late, as I've started watching it like 2 months before but then I stopped due to my 'busy'-ness in my study and other stuffs.

So yeah, lets watch it together with me. InshaAllah we'd realize something after watching it. PROVIDED we open our minds and free our minds from any judgement or initial perceptions. Just watch, think, and analyse. Not each thing is correct in this video so we have to filter the information given for sure. May Allah protect us inshaAllah ameen (:


Neeza Makeover said…
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Neeza Makeover said…
Atie- Thanks for sharing (**,)
SnailPhoto said…
Salam....nice post...
awk leh download full mnde ni kat link ni


pastu kalau nk baca yg lagi best pasal ni, leh try blog ni


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