My Wishes


Babe. Rasa tak how difficult life is?. Especially when we zealously wish for something but we can hardly get it.

I have a PASSION, but I couldn't achieve it.
That girl, she doesn't hold the same passion as mine, but she could easily get the PASSION I am wishing for.
Memang biasanya kita susah nak dapat apa yang kita nak kan?.

Allah. What a life.

Okay never mind. Nak cerita lain pulak hehe.
Nak taw tak.
When I have kids, I would...

  • Ask them to call me Mom and their father Daddy =D
  • Let them listen to the Quranic recitation almost all the time since they are born.
  • Make sure they've memorized the Quran by the age of 8.
  • Send them to musical instrument class specifically PIANO. Cause I'm easily flattered when I'm listening to piano weyy. Seriously. Kepada bakal suami, Atie nak yang pandai main piano!.haha. Nanti every time we have a fight, senang je cara nak pujuk. Play me a song using the grand piano at 'OUR' living hall tu, InshaAllah Atie terus senyum hehhehehhe=p

  • let my kids get married whenever they want after their age of 19. Better kan daripada they contribute to the social problem a.k.a pergaulan bebas, kan kan?.
  • listen to their problems attentively.
  • be their closest and best friend, so that they would feel free to share with me everything.
  • not mind if they make mistakes. I'd let them make mistakes and LEARN from the mistakes they made,rather than disallowing mistakes and make them feel FEAR to share with me and my hubby about the mistakes they made, lepas tu they tell us lie, pretending as if they are good kids, obedient, and so forth which in fact they are not. So Atie akan cakap macam ni dengan anak Atie:
    "Everybody makes mistakes sayang, jangan takut dengan Mommy okay?.hehe."

Fine. I know I'm not yet married. But this is me. I love to plan like years earlier about things I'm going to do in future hehe. But sometimes plans aren't accomplished which I couldn't do anything about it. Well, Allah is the best planner anyways kan?.

InshaAllah. May Allah soothe things for me ameen.


Ahmad Syafiq said…
Fuyoh, kena bagitau si Hazwan ni... Aku akan suruh dia belajar main piano. Hehe ;P Barulah ada power memujuk. :D
badruddin said…
owh..saujana ada satu lagu: Lakaran Minda. mmg pasal ape yg atie cakapkan la nih.

-masa khayalkan masa depan, mmg sume org nk yg sweet je kan. tapi terpulang atas kita la macamana nk jadikan impian tu satu reality
DiN said…
mampuih la husband you nak beli grand piano tu!! kalau you kawin dengan Datuk K boleh aa kot!! ingat murah!!!

'not mind if they make mistakes' is a wrong statement. you should mind! when they make mistakes, be a parent, and assert some authority. Punish them if necessary. but you must give them chance to explain. I think ni yang most parents lack. they don't give chance for their children to explain why they do such things, or behave in such a way.

and when they behave, or do noble things, reward them, so that they know people do appreciate good things done by them.

agak2 i dah ready tak nak kawin? hahahaha!!
hazwani jamili said…
hahahahaha din's comment adalah sangat lawak.

anyway, wani nak nama anak wani kenanga, seroja, melur, rose, kemboja, ape2 jela name bunga yg comel :p
Munsyi said…
Learn after planning.
When we faced the actual children problems, we will know how difficult and complicated things can be.So,plan & at the same time,learn the correct way to handle it when the time comes.

The point where you will say "everybody makes mistakes", is a bit funny, because you know they'll tell lie.Shouldn't u be teaching them not to tell lies in the first place? :)

Just curious, how many kids are you planning to have?
atiqah leman said…
we'll all pray that u'll find the right guy. particularly one who knows how to play the piano.woah uve planned everything, havent u? hehe
r u really ready to get married?how do one know when one is ready eh?
eksp said…
my fiancee pun terer main piano.. nih tengah ushar2 violin pulak kot kata dia.. haha..

ewah cik atie.. jauh berangan nampak?? ;))
aleensie said…
aleen reti main piano atie! jom la kawen wakakakaka :)

anyway atie, hang ni la ni asyik ingat nk kawen ja noh! hehehehe :D
Zayana Yusof said…
perancangan itu penting! XD
Anonymous said…
I though tahfiz Al-Quran cannot play piano because it's a string instrument and it will make it difficult for the kalimat2 to stick in their memories and hearts...
Ziarah76 said…
piano? suke lagu apa?
Anonymous said…
bayangan suami idaman anda ni spt lelaki vampire dalam citer twilight sahaja....huhuhuhu...anyway, citer tu agak best least best sedikit dari the confession of a shopaholic tu...can't wait to watch the twilight sequel..haha
(warga perak)
atie update la bloggggggggggggggg!!!

ps: setuju dgn aleen..hang ni sikit2 pkiaq pasai kawin ja!!!!

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