Pillow Talk


I've found a new things-im-gonna-miss-about-mama!.

It's a having-pillow-talk with her.

Wanna know how the pillow-talk started?.


Well.yeah.There's something wrong with my skin lately. No idea why. Maybe due to my emotional-instability, or stress-because-of-exams-which-i-dont-think-so-haha.

And the most expected thing bila sampai rumah, jumpa Mama Ayah is, their nag. Haha.

"Atie kena tahan nafsu tangan tu, jangan asyik nak kopek jerawat tu. Pantang taw. Nanti lepas satu, satu jerawat keluar. Dengar cakap ayah ni."

Mama pulak, asyik renung ke arah my face, and then gelak. Lepas tu, Mama akan cakap. "Eee, jerawat" dengan her annoying face sabar je la. Haha.

Bila lawat adik at her hostel, she said: "Buruknya kak Atie"

Tapi ada seorang sahaja ahli keluarga Atie yang menenangkan hati, namanya Ain. She's my youngest sister. Dia cakap: "Ala biase le tu.."
Oh terima kasih adindaku Ain(:

Okay whatever.

I told Mama that I bought new products for skin care, so Mama wanted to look at them. I only bought Skin Food's cleanser and mask for trial stage.

Seaweed Cleansing Foam
Skin Food

Papaya Yogurt Mask
Skin Food

So far, I found that this product is not bad (sebab baru seminggu lebih guna haha). The first night Mama tried the mask, Mama pun kata best. Itu yang ever since that night, Mama will come to my room and ask me untuk pakaikan Mama the mask sambil Mama sleep on my bed, and lepas tu we'll have a chitty chatting a.k.a pillow talk.


Okay people, tolong doakan that my skin will get better. Because I hate seeing my own face in the mirror now sebab ada pimples. Hopefully this horrible tragedy will end soon ameen inshaAllah :D

Tapi the VERY BASIC beauty tips will never be forgotten inshaAllah. Kalau beria-ia pakai mask, beli produk mahal-mahal, tapi step asas untuk mendapatkan wajah berseri-seri dan cantik bersinar dari dalam, useless okay Atie, useless. Bear that in mind.

Owh btw, if you've never heard of the brand Skin Food, you may visit the official website. Please click here

Dear owner of Skin Food, please hire me as your Marketing Executive haha.

Pesanan dari businesswoman:
Ada sesiapa lagi nak beli al-Quran tafsire per kata?. Better beli cepat sebab supplier dah mula naikkan harga, so mari kita sama-sama berdoa supaya harga al-Quran tu tak naik sampai mencekik darah [betul ke phrase ni?.]


hazwani jamili said…
I love body shop as I can easily change the product if any skin reaction occurs, until I found the best for my skin! Hehehe tp x sure if bodyshop malaysia buleh tukar2 mcm tu jeke or not :p
daus said…
Ziarah76 said…
insya-Allah sembuh la nanti...
mine pc said…
sekadar satu perkongsian buat renungan bersama. jom muhasabah dri sma2! =)

klik di link ni!!

Oleh kerana pillow talk ini just untuk kalangan perempuan, maka saya tak bole kacao dan beri apa2 komen. kui kui kui..

ala atie kan pakai niqab, mana orang nampak.. hee~
Anonymous said…
salam..bismillah..hm..da bce ke post langit illahi psl niqab tu?
hrp2 bce la ye..
hm..atie pkai niqab kn..so,sye rse xpyh la mention2 yg atie ada jerawat or papela kt muke 2..itu membwtkn kaum lelaki terbyg2 plak wjh anda.(mgkn)..dan itu sudah pastinye menmbah dosa si lelaki..
yg pasti..bersyukur atas nkmt yg ALLAH bg kt atie...pls,atie pon hafizah kn..so,pls..jage diri atie ye..jauhkn diri atie dr ftnah!
papepon..remember ALLAH always..HE will always n always help u~
kak ngah said…
anon, chill laaa

atie, im sorry, but i disagree with what the anonymous commented.
Allah pesan dalam alQuran( x ingat ayat mana) supaya manusia tak berlebih-lebihan dalam sesuatu urusan.

im sorry, bukan x setuju sebab akak selalu baca blog atie, tapi kurang setuju dengan teguran anonymous yg agak kurang relevant. xde sokongan dalil yg sah dan kukuh.

atie tidak letakkan gambar pun.dan jerawat, adalah a common thing di mana kebanyakan orang pun ada jerawat kan?jadi kenapa perlu buang masa nak membayangkan benda2 yang remeh?

maaf sekali lagi atie
hana said…
i'm agree with the anonymous..
org pompuan xkan phm lelaki..
so if u wish 2 be a gud muslimah..pliz cover yr story as u cover yr face...
sy sgt3 setuju dgn hilal asyraf...

ingat akhirat, dik
Ladyship Atie said…
Assalamualaikum kawan-kawan


uish lame x bukak blog, x tengok all the comments.
betul, seorang sahabat pernah berpesan..nak jadi blogger kena berijwa besar, kena tahan dengan kritikan:)

okay thenx for the comments.
for both negative and positive.

and i have no comments on ur critiques here.just thanks.


baru habis exams YAY!!.
will update soon inshaAllah.
ape2 aje said…
salam..sekadar memberi pndangan..hm..yg xbernme 2 tak salah..memg atie xltk gmbr dye kt post nie..tp..yg laen stil ade g gmbr2 atie..with niqab or not..memg xperlu bygkn muke atie 2..tp ingt ade jge manusia2 yg mgkn membygkn muke atie..(xpercye?)-huh..xpe2,
pape pon atie..sori ye..bg pndgn jek~

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