Pretty vs Beautiful vs Cute Vs Hot


What are the differences between pretty and beautiful?.
I bet when a girl received a compliment, from whoever guys or girls, saying that she is pretty, she'll be presenting a wide smile(:
Why?.Because every girl wants to be looked as pretty.

However, imagine how would a girl feel when she's being told that she is BEAUTIFUL?.
OMG, mesti best gile.

But why does it happen?.Is it because of the world defines beautiful as a very deeply beautiful, which means she's beautiful inside and out.

Which is more complimentary?.

Beautiful for sure. Beautiful is a strong word. I think beauty lasts and you definitely see women staying beautiful even into old age, but if you are only pretty or perhaps so-called hot, I don't think that will last. No one goes around saying their 70 year old grandmother is hot, but I have heard women this age be referred to as beautiful.

'Pretty' to me refers to one's appearance only: "She's pretty", meaning, she looks attractive. And pretty refers more to CUTE.

"Beautiful" on the other hand is more encompassing. It refers to inherent qualities on the inside as well. Also, to attributes considered classic and eternal. When used in reference to appearance, 'beautiful' is stronger than 'pretty'.

...also, 'pretty' comes from a word that originally meant 'tricky', and 'pretty' still carries an association to playful attractiveness, alluring flirtiness. It simply means HOT.

Beautiful is just that: "beauty-full", and doesn't necessarily invoke attraction but awe and veneration, as one would to someone who is exemplary, or model-typal (not runway model).

A daisy is pretty while a rose is beautiful.

"Pretty" connotates "attractive" while "beautiful" connotates either very attractive (like, say, a girl for whom "hot" does not do justice) or beyond attractive (such as Dante's Beatrice).

Beauty Tips:

1) Maintain WUDHU ' all the time. It's alright if a girl wants to put a make-up such as lipstick, blusher, eye shadow, eye liner, or whatsoever (but ONLY A BIT which u dont change ur real look). But ensure u get ur WUDHU' first before u put anything on ur face.

2) Cover ur 'aurah, fully covered will show ur beautiness from inside of u. THERE'S NO NEED TO SHOW OFF WHAT U HAVE TO BE SEXY or attractive.

3) Have faith on the power of WUDHU'. Lets try!.

Selamat mencuba(:


Munsyi said…
how bout handsome?hehe
.:dyla lokman:. said…
you are beautiful! :))
eksp said…
i think i'm cute...


Anonymous said…
salam Atie,

yes Encik Shamlan and Encik Harussani dah datang since yesterday..tula agak terharu jugak diorg datang. Maybe sebab kat Curtin mmg ramai budak Pet..

Alhamdulillah, kitorg punya allowance dah naik ke RM500 sebulan.. :)

How's everything there?
Anonymous said…
Beauty Defines You..
Anonymous said…

erk, heeee.
kenalah ada lelaki yg buat sendiri utk post 'handsome vs macho vs jambu'



thank u, n so u my dear(:



u're cute?.
ahaha, tang mane yg cute tu?.
[ni yg nak gelakguling mcm encik hilmi salu buat ni.hihi]




em everythings fine.
i mean,okay jelaa,uhu.



Not to that extent i suppose.
Beauty defines sum1 whos better than me, whereas Im just an ordinary person; who makes mistakes, mistakes, n mistakes.
Anyway, thanx for ur compliment(:
Everybody's beautiful, as beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
HafizahNik said…
u r tagged by me!
Anonymous said…
Bilal Bin Rabah sentiasa dalam keadaan berwuduk.

Walaupun x cute or macho, Jiwanya tetap ikhlas krn ALlah dan Rasulnya

Dan dia adalah bakal penghuni syurga bersama dengan Nabi saw.

~ hitam x semestinya putih.

Allahu 'alam
Anonymous said… atie gakler....hahaha
Ladyship Atie said…

didnt expect to receive any compliments here.

Malu malu malu.


Sedingin salju,

thanx for sharing.
'hitam x semestinya putih'

may i ask what dies it mean?.
Ziarah76 said…
kalau tengah marah pun elok ammik wudhuk... boleh hilang marah.
Yg pastinya semua baby comel.
Anonymous said…

ag best if ade baby sendiri. mesti baby atie baby yg paling comel kt dunia.hehe
eksp said…
tang mana yang cute?

tang janggut dan perut

*gelakguling* lagi...
Anonymous said…
hak3...malu la sgt...padahal syok jer 2...kui3
Anonymous said…

cute la sgt.



Seorang Muslim seharusnya malu bila dipuji,
bukan 'syok'.
Kalau ade pn, try to buang jauh2.
Buat-buat Malu pun okay kot, rather than 'syok'.
Anonymous said…
marah la pulak..just kidding la...atie jgn la marah...kate suh komen blog...hahaha
Anonymous said…
lor si Tariq ni upenye..

Hey Welcome to the comment page!!(:
Anonymous said…
Salam alaikum
Saje nak kongsi ilmu.

Rasulullah sgt marah apabila ada seorg muslim yg memuji2 kebaikan dan kelebihan seseorang sbb pujian akan menimbulkan rasa ujub terhadap diri saudara yg dipuji dan dia lupa segala kelebihan itu adalah dr Allah taala.

Sekiranya kte menerima pujian hendaklah kte mengembalikan segala pujian tersebut kpd Allah S.W.T.

Boleh sebut "lillahi mathalul a'la"
ataupun "uzakki 'ala Allahi ahad"
kalau x reti arab bleh ckp guna bahasa yg kte tau.

Saidina abu bakar as-siddiq apabila dipuji beliau akan doa:
"Allahumma aj'alni khairan mimma yahsibuun, wa la tuhasibni bima yaquluun, wa aghfirli ma la ya'lamuun"

maksudnye : Ya Allah jadikanlah aku lebih baik drpd apa yg mereka sangkakan, dan jgnlah Engkau hisab aku dgn apa yg mereka perkatakan, dan ampunilah aku dr apa yg mereka tidak ketahui.

Sekadar peringatan utk diri sendiri yg sering alpa dan utk kte semua.

Salam =)
Anonymous said…
btol tu banditz....

hati mane yang tak tergugat bila dipuji....

Anonymous said…
hahaha atie tau gak yer...xpe2 pasni nk nyamar lg...haha nk jd cm bdk cute tu...hahaha
Ladyship said…

wah seronok3.
dapat ilmu baru!.

and tariq d anonymous,

menyamar laaa.
x kisah pun.
saudari mardiati,

Baguslah kalau dah paparkan tips tips untuk menjadi cantik walaupun di sini bkan tempat yg digelar sbg 'salun kecantikan'.

cuma saya ingin menambah satu shj, org yang hidupnya dalam keadaan sentiasa berwuduk, nikmat terbesar yg akan diperolehi kelak adalah, mereka pada hari kiamat nanti, akn dibangkitkan dalam keadaan wajah dan rautan muka yg bercahaya serta berseri seri .

RasuluLlah akan memebri syafaat terhadap dirinya dan akan mengenali umatnya itu melalui cahaya yg dipancarkan oleh wajahnya yg indah itu.

ALlahu Akbar, alangkah bersarnya nikmat ALlah.

Semoga kita semua tergolong di kalangan org seprti yg dinyatakan itu, InsyaALlah
chaz said…
i shud hv comment long ago but too busy with exams


what cn i say

beauty = ME

u cudnt agree more kn atie?
Ladyship Atie said…

perasan x habis2 datin ni.

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