Help Them!!

A ten year old child is killed when Israeli war planes target his home

A child less than 5 months old is killed in his home. Is he the terrorist or is the one that killed him the terrorist? Mohamed was the only son for his parents who were suffering infertility problems for five years. They are without kids again

Do we need to go there to lend them a hand?
If u're able to do so, why not?.
Here, let me share with all of u my friends.
It's simple and ez, as ez as ABC.
I was a kinda ignorant before. And I am only a learner, up till now. Never been promoted to upgrade my position. Huhu.
Em here, one thing u can do is performing a prayer for them.
Instead of solat hajat, u can make a du'aa for them each time u perform ur solat fardhu.
Dont tell me it's hard. U just need to read the instruction below and practice it.
Don't be lazy.
If u want Allah to favour and love u. u must love ISLAM and our brothers and sisters 1st.
Qunut is a recitation of doa in facing difficult times and situation and to ask Allah’s protection from any peril.
Qunut Nazilah can be done in every obligatory solat: Zohor, Asar, Maghrib, Isyak and Subuh. It is recited after ruku’ while in the position of I’tidal after reciting:
سَÙ…ِعَ اللَّÙ‡ُ Ù„ِÙ…َÙ†ْ ØَÙ…ِدَÙ‡ُ ، رَبَّÙ†َا ÙˆَÙ„َÙƒَ الْØَÙ…ْدُ.
There are 3 ways that an Imam can recite this doa
1. Recite the Qunut for Subuh prayers only.
2. Recite the Qunut Nazilah only. (see attachment)
3. Recite the qunut for Subuh first and continue with the qunut nazilah.
Important Reminder:
· Imam who does not memorized the nazilah prayers, they can recite the qunut as in Subuh prayers and the nazilah prayers can be read after solat.
· Imam should remind his jemaah that qunut nazilah will be recited during the prayers and the ways of performing it.
click on this du'a for cleare view;)

I've done my job. I've shared with u all what I have. So now, I hope any of u my friends who never did this sunnah, please do it, try it at least once a day. May Allah bless all of us and help our brothers and sisters who're in trouble. Amiin.
beraikanlah pakatan mereka, goncanglah pendirian mereka, hantarkan anjing-anjing kamu ke atas mereka, wahai Tuhan yang penuh raksaksa, wahai Tuhan yang gagah perkasa, wahai Tuhan yang bersifat murka, ya Allah, ya Allah, ya ALlah, wahai Tuhan yang menurunkan kitab, wahai Tuhan yang mengerakkan awan, wahai Tuhan yang menewaskan bala tentera al-Ahzab, kalahkan mereka, menangkanlah kami keatas mereka"
Rujukan :
Amin ya Rabbal'alamin...
Ya ALLAH kasihanilah umat ini...Jika di palestin saudara seagama ku diburu dan dibom yahudi...tetapi di sini kami berhibur meraikan tahun baru mengikut cara yahudi...ohhh..masjid terus kosong..