Just let it be..


How'd we live with someone who don't really understand us?.
He never asked for the history we faced before..
He never bothered about why do we do a thing..
Though there's a bit hope for a thing i hope..
But seems like I got the prediction..
He wont ever be suitable..
Ya, cuz I know what am I doing, and why am I doing this..
And He doesn't.

Never hope for a perfection in me.,cuz I ain't one.
Let me be in my own world..and U in ur own world..
that u're natured with..

And to make it clear..just let it be..
Let Allah arrange every single thing..
I'll just accept it..
And I'll just let it be..



eksp said…
kadang2 Allah bagi bertemu dengan orang yang tak faham (atau buat2 tak faham) dengan kita untuk tarbiyyah kita.. =)
Ladyship Atie said…
pentarbiyyahan perlukan kejujuran, ukhwah yg mantap, dan niat yg betul..
pentarbiyahan juga memerlukan kelapangan dada, fikiran yg terbuka..
pentarbiyahan perlu bersesuaian dengan tempat dan semasa, dan sifat seseorang..

anyhow, without considering all these factors, the process wont be succeeded..in anyway..
cuz it will just hurt the mad'u..
eksp said…
then.. jadikanlah orang yang jujur... lapang dada, fikiran terbuka.. dengan niat yang betul.. dan mantapkanlah ukhuwah tuh...

wujudkan juga tempat dan keadaan yang sesuai..

hehehe =)


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