He's from Urganda~
بسم الله الرحمن الحيم
If you guys can see from the pic, there's one black guy..and I'm proud to say that he was my lecturer when I was studying in Darul Quran. He was teaching us Religions in Malaysia..
I went to UIA last two weeks, and actually I wanted to post one topic about what I had discusses with him just after I came back from meeting him in UIA Gombak. Unfortunately I was so busy with some other matters, thus it's delayed. Never mind, things can still be proceed ryte?=)
I went to see him just because I had set a target before I fly(if it's gonna happen, insyaallah) that I must meet all of my lecturers, ustaz and ustazah, and also as many friends from DQ as I can.
I couldn't spend so much time with him as he was in rush that time.And he asked me to come to see him one other time so that we can have further deeper about issues I proposed to him- The issue of 'Jama'ah' and 'The Economic System in Islam'.
One thing I got from him, apart from the drinks he provided for us(orange juice=p), He lend me a book..entitled "Muhammad-His life based on the earliest sources" wrote by Martin Lings(Abu Bakar Siraj al-Din).
I haven't finished up reading the book yet, but I found it's really interesting as I'd go through few pages of the beginning. And Insyaallah, I'll try to read up the whole book and summarize it later.
My advice here is, get close with those good people, the ulama' and good friends who can bring u closer to the GREAT, Allah s.w.t. Insyaallah, u'll feel the sweetness of Iman and Islam.