Economic and Business in Islam?
Well, I'm not posting any idea on this issue, in fact, I'm still wondering, how's the exact economic system ruled in Islam?
As we know, in todays' life, there are lots of discrimination, lots of mischieving in wealth and property, etc. Thus we always say that life is unfair! It's not supposed to be that way, am I ryte? Because Allah The Creator is The Most Fair. Therefore, I'm still investigating this issue. In a way, I do need anybody's opinion about the correct and proper system of Economic in Islam.
Thank you=)
As we know, in todays' life, there are lots of discrimination, lots of mischieving in wealth and property, etc. Thus we always say that life is unfair! It's not supposed to be that way, am I ryte? Because Allah The Creator is The Most Fair. Therefore, I'm still investigating this issue. In a way, I do need anybody's opinion about the correct and proper system of Economic in Islam.
Thank you=)
just quote from my Quran Sunnah for Built Environment lecturer, Bro. Spehic Omer while we discuss a little bit about this topic.
tapi memang betul, kita belum betul2 mengikut muamalat Islam sepenuhnya lagi dalam ekonomi negara.
lebih menarik lagi, the fact is kita yang pioneer dalam nak memperkenalkan semula sistem ekonomi negara sejak zaman TDM.
ironis, kan? :D
thanx for the comments..
im trying to touch on every single aspect that have been taught in Islam..Islam is syumul ryte?
The question here is,
how's exactly the entire economic system in Islam? Instead of no riba', no discrimination, debts, etc.? I mean, as if we put ourselves in the shoes of businessman, im sure all of us are expecting high profit ryte?. Then,how should it be fair?. To gain a high profit, the price are expected to be high as well..
actually dalam muamalat Islam pun, dibenarkan untuk meletakkan harga tinggi bagi barang2 perniagaan, kecuali barang keperluan asas yang mana orang miskin pun juga memerlukannya...
benda seperti air, api dan udara pula mesti dijamin percuma, tuh yang sepatutnya...
so bila nak bercakap tentang keadilan dalam perniagaan di kalangan ahli perniagaan, kena la kita pun masuk dalam alam tuh dan berjuang betulkan keadaan... betul tak? ;)
bukankah kita masing2 ada kebebasan bersuara?.Say cuma ingin belajar dan ambil taw sebanyak2 ilmu yg ada dalam Islam yg mungkin..=)
Kalau nak involve dlm business tu mungkin, insyaallah akan melibatkan dri, tapi not now. Memang termasuk dalam perancangan hidup.
one question answered..
the pricing matter-it's up to the sellers to put any price on the goods, as long as it's agreed by the consumers or buyers..
if the buyers dont agree with the price set by the sellers, thus they should not buy from them..
Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatuhlahi Wabarakatuh!
Maasha Allaah! Nice Blog! I also have a blog that discusess business in Islam among other things
Maybe we can link to each other?
Let me know..insha Allaah.
Sincerely & Gratefully
Halimah bint David