Be assertive?

But how?.
*I hate this!


i really wanna be assertive.
esp in my class.
i really wanna ask something to my doc.
but you know, i just afraid she/he doesnt understand what i talking about.
so as a solution, i see them right after the class.
but i hope, i can ask a question in front of my other classmates either malaysian, jordanian, israelian, and many more ~cant list here~

be brave!
Ladyship Atie said…
Ya, we have to be so..
It's only that the breveness in us isnt yet ready to be shown..
But I do hope, one day, I am confident enough to stand on my own feet..not to be easy influenced by anybody around me, InsyaAllah..

We'll pray for the best of us!
totally agree with u.
have a nice day.
not too late rite to wish you happy birthday.
i had an exam on your birthday,so doesnt have a time to wish you.
but i promise! you are always in my heart..

my wish for u.
may Allah be with u everywhere anywhere. and may success always comes along with your journey.
Ladyship Atie said…
Thot u've forgotten bout my day already..=D
Thank you sooooo much!!
U're always in my heart too...
Though we rarely meet.
Please pray for my istiqamah, my ikhlas, n my success..
I wont success without support from ppl around me..=)
Take care dear!

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