Haze Attack
Hai kawan-kawan. Sudahkah anda minum shake hari ini? Saya dah, alhamdulillah 3 kali :)
As u all know, I just got back from Bangkok for 5 days one week ago. Frankly, skin was attacked by 3 pimples at a time when I was in Bangkok. Because of the not-so-clean air, and also the water is not 'trustable'. You know it is not clean when the moment you step into the hotel-room toilet you immediately smell 'something'. Since the first day aku mandi kat toilet hotel, naik one by one jerawat T.T Bertambah amazing bila aku ke Bangkok terlupa bawak Herbalife clarifying mask, sang penyelamat kulit ku T.T
And 3 days after sampai Malaysia, kita semua diserang pula oleh jerebu. Innalillah. Skin hasn't got better as for now..sebab there is not a day that I do not leave home. Memang everyday we go out to work and do something outside. Macam mana lah nak protect skin kan? Now dah lebih kurang 4 hari jerebu..jom sama2 doa supaya Allah turunkan hujan..
Nah, sedikit tazkirah tentang ujian JEREBU oleh suami saya, di facebook :) allahua'lam
After 3 days of haze, setelah abang setiap hari balik rumah after kerja dengan keadaan yang SANGAT letih, pening kepala, dan terus cari katil untuk lelapkan mata, sebab abang memang bekas pesakit ASMA yang teruk sebelum jumpa herbalife..manakala aku pulak setiap hari akan pedih mata, baru aku sedar, bahawa kami tidak menitikberatkan soal nutrition intake dan water intake sepanjang musim jerebu ni.. Allah -_-
Thanks to twitter and facebook, sebab ramai Herbalife people yang post status reminding us to take extra precaution, drink more shakes, drink more NW formula, and teamix plus aloe concentrate juice untuk detoxify and protect our cells from free radicals..
So hari ni, kami berdua mula mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga. We took extra teamix, and we drink more shakes today compared to yesterday.
We also wear Herbalife clarifying mask to remove excessive oil and dirts..
Hai kawan-kawan. Sudahkah anda minum shake hari ini? Saya dah, alhamdulillah 3 kali :)
As u all know, I just got back from Bangkok for 5 days one week ago. Frankly, skin was attacked by 3 pimples at a time when I was in Bangkok. Because of the not-so-clean air, and also the water is not 'trustable'. You know it is not clean when the moment you step into the hotel-room toilet you immediately smell 'something'. Since the first day aku mandi kat toilet hotel, naik one by one jerawat T.T Bertambah amazing bila aku ke Bangkok terlupa bawak Herbalife clarifying mask, sang penyelamat kulit ku T.T
And 3 days after sampai Malaysia, kita semua diserang pula oleh jerebu. Innalillah. Skin hasn't got better as for now..sebab there is not a day that I do not leave home. Memang everyday we go out to work and do something outside. Macam mana lah nak protect skin kan? Now dah lebih kurang 4 hari jerebu..jom sama2 doa supaya Allah turunkan hujan..
Nah, sedikit tazkirah tentang ujian JEREBU oleh suami saya, di facebook :) allahua'lam
After 3 days of haze, setelah abang setiap hari balik rumah after kerja dengan keadaan yang SANGAT letih, pening kepala, dan terus cari katil untuk lelapkan mata, sebab abang memang bekas pesakit ASMA yang teruk sebelum jumpa herbalife..manakala aku pulak setiap hari akan pedih mata, baru aku sedar, bahawa kami tidak menitikberatkan soal nutrition intake dan water intake sepanjang musim jerebu ni.. Allah -_-
Thanks to twitter and facebook, sebab ramai Herbalife people yang post status reminding us to take extra precaution, drink more shakes, drink more NW formula, and teamix plus aloe concentrate juice untuk detoxify and protect our cells from free radicals..
So hari ni, kami berdua mula mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga. We took extra teamix, and we drink more shakes today compared to yesterday.
keep calm and take Herbalife :) |
We also wear Herbalife clarifying mask to remove excessive oil and dirts..
*These products do not intend to diagnose or to cure any disease. |
Alhamdulillah harini kami balik rumah dalam keadaan yang OK. tak seteruk semalam.. mataku kurang pedih, and kulitku beransur pulih..
Herbalife nutrition really works!! ALhamdulillah :) :) :) If you are curious about how herbalife products help in the haze season, contact me to ask questions IF YOU HAVE NOT SIGNED UP AND DO NOT HAVE A COACH :)
Jom, sesiapa yang belum pernah cuba produk Herbalife, dan teringin untuk tahu lebih lanjut tentang nutrisi Herbalife dalaman dan nutrisi luaran,
boleh contact saya sms/whatsapp 0122780844
Thank you for reading ;)