Book Review: How To Mentor People and Allow Them To Be Successful
Just finished reading this book, written by Steve Chandler and Duane Black. Since last year, dah lama aku tak buat book review kat belog aku. Steve Chandler is the author of 100 Ways to Motivate Others, a best-selling book.
Frankly aku memang tak suka buku. But sejak aku mulakan business Herbalife, aku jadi suka baca buku-buku, especially those about leadership, inspirations, and self-help books. All because of Herbalife trainings. and because my upline aka my bestfriend Maryam pun awal-awal dulu pernah pesan kat aku untuk banyakkan baca buku untuk improve my skills and my leadership.
Alhamdulillah aku jumpa Herbalife. Bukan sebab the money I get, but the person I am becoming. Banyak lagi impian yg aku belum capai so I will keep on going, and in the meantime, aku akan dream bigger and bigger. inshaAllah =')
Ok back to the book.
Basically buku ni sebenarnya tentang relationship between manager and employees. Not really directly related to business. But, as I read through the content, I found that it suits me much. Sebab secara fitrahnya, aku adalah seorang yg mempunyai attitude bossy. Tak caye tanya family aku. Diorang tahu, aku memang suka mengarah adik-adik aku buat kerja hewhew. Aku suka jadi boss, and that was my ambition since young. Aku suka nak kerja dalam office airconditioned, pakai baju smart2, and ada pekerja kt bawah aku. Ish ish ish. So aku memang sentiasa suka belajar tentang leadership.
Tapi hakikatnya, before this aku confused between leadership and management. Aku selalu tersilap mengaplikasikan konsep management into my business, which ended up tak ramai dalam team aku yg duplicate my way of working sebab tak tahan dengan aku. Yes, my first year in Herbalife aku lalui banyak salah silap liku-liku untuk mendidik diri menjadi seorang leader yg baik dan disayangi.
Itu juga antara sebab aku jadi ketagih untuk baca dan terus membaca, and setiap kali aku baca buku, mesti in the end aku tampar diri sendiri. Oh aku tersilap rupanya sebelum ni! Oh patutla... Oh, macam ni ke..
Heheh. Buku How To Mentor People ni banyak mengajar aku macam mana nak coach my team, instead of 'managing' them. Let them grow, and share my vision upon them. Of course I want all of them to success. But a leader can't force ones to do something simply based on our expectation. A leader share his vision with his people, and let them be motivated and believe in themselves that they can succeed, and they WILL succeed.
There is significant difference between managing and coaching. So to those yang sedang mencari jalan bagaimana hendak bertukar from management mode into coaching mode, I highly recommend this book ;)
I will always work on my value, and share it with others inshaAllah. So if I have done any wrongs, please let me know. It'd be highly appreciated ;)
I will always work on my value, and share it with others inshaAllah. So if I have done any wrongs, please let me know. It'd be highly appreciated ;)
Selamat membaca! ;)