Generasi Herbalife Gathering


Harini aku dah masuk kerja balik. Internship is so boring and wasting my potential. I can't even do my business here, sebab internet sangat slow and facebook twitter segala semua tak boleh browse. Aku end up tengok Korean series kat office. 

Rupanya ada gak mata-mata kat office ni yang tengok aku enjoy tengok movies kat sini hoho. Ada yang tak puas hati but do I seem to care? Aku buat internship ni without pay. And memang intern tak diberi terlalu banyak kerja oleh boss. Aku pulak memang not into reading sangat. Ape yang aku mampu untuk browse ialah:

  1. Berita Harian Online 5 minit
  2. Harakah Daily 5 minit
  3. Al Jazeera 5 minit
  4. Malaysia Kini 3 minit (jarang pun)
  5. Blogs yang tak boleh tengok gambar sebab internet cam siput
  6. tengok update volume organisasi
So I have nothing to be worried about what people say, because when I receive a task, I would complete it immediately. So aku tade buat salah kan? Haha.
Aku ada 8.30 pagi sampai 5.30 petang kat office, so memang biasanye aku takde keje. Aku cuba penuhkan masa dengan baca Quran few pages and buat shake, etc.

Berjam-jam selebihnye, aku end up tengok movie. Pergh. teruk kan aku? Dah aku memang tak boleh bisnes kat office sbb bos tak bagi. Aku nak start bagi flyers je hari ni. Bagi kat kereta-kereta pun jadi la kan? Nanti kalau korang ade dapat flyers aku tolong jangan segan silu contact aku eh? hehe.

Ops. Tajuk entry ni is Gen-H Gathering (GHG). Termasuk cerita lain pulok. GHG best gile woo. Aku harini masuk office dengan both legs of mine cramp sikit. hehe. Mana taknya pagi2 dah jalan charity walk 4km, pastu explore race lagi. Berlari sane, berlari sini, mak datok. Memang penat ah. Tapi BEST =')

Gen-H ni kalau korang nak taw, merupakan generasi Herbalife yang berusia 30 dan ke bawah. So, kalau korang rasa korang berusia mcm ni, jom join kitorang! Because inshaAllah you'll be experiencing WONDERFUL lifestyle with our family :D

Disebabkan aku tak dapat nak bukak facebook utk save the pictures and upload it here, aku amek from Amalina's blog je la eh =)

Kawan-kawan yang tak berapa nak sama macam kawan-kawan yang kat luar. Sebab they are all positive. They have strong attitude, determination to change their life. Bile aku down, aku cari je orang-orang Herbalife ni sebab aku taw aku boleh dapat semangat balik. Especially from my best friend, Maryam :)

We all have ONE MISSION, which is to make the world healthier! And all of us are working on ourselves and our life to make sure that we would be able to retire at the age of 30. inshaAllah, 30 okay. 

Jealous tak? Maybe u won't be now, because we haven't achieved it YET. But our success is yet to come. It's whether u want to join us, or just watch us working hard hehe :)

Herbalife memang bagi macam-macam support to the Gen-H because my company really cares about our community. We want to help people have a better life, rather than study teruk-teruk and end up dapat gaji utk bayar hutang. That's our mission. I can see my future now, inshaAllah. Please pray for me :D

Allah, tolong mudahkan eh? Thank u Allah =')


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