Labelizing Others~

Allah The Greatest~

Wealthy : Needy

Smart : Dumb

Pretty : Ugly

Pious : Ignorant

Ish. Stop doing so laa.. It's too much of annoyance. Try to put urself in the shoes of those being labeled as needy, dumby, ugly, ignorant.. how'd u feel?.

And for sure if u ever told that u r pretty, pious or watsoever, u'd be proud of urself. It may become a sin ryte?.

So help each other. Treat people the same. Regardless their post, wealth and all that. Be moderate, respect ALL the same. Otherwise, we are all servants. not more than that.

Key word: Moderate. Respect. Same.


[My granny has been admitted in ward. Hardest times in her life I guess. Macam nazak, macam tak. I cant tell, cuz she wasnt awake since past 2 days. So please pray for my granny, may Allah let her leave the world calmly]


badruddin said…
atie, I found a web I know U'll love this.. check it out

fresh abaya straight from mecca/jeddah. This kak Ayu is a student in Makkah. His husband was in Astro Oasis's Jemputan Umrah programme, as a mutawwif.
InsyaALlah,, sama sama kita doakan..
May ALlah save him
Ladyship Atie said…

They are gorgeous.Serious!.
Thanx for the recommendation anyway;)


Saudara nik Joe,

n btw, bukan him, but her. She's a 'her'

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