Tentang 2012 :)


Hello semua :) How was your 2012? Heheh. Aku akhiri saat terakhir aku for 2012 dengan Herbalife shake yay! Alhamdulillah dengan segala nikmat yang Allah kurniakan for my whole family, terutamanya nikmat kesihatan dan tenaga yang tak ternilai.

Sebenarnya aku tak pernah kisah sangat pun dengan new year. For me, new year is just another day in my life. Because I am the person yang memang look forward for my bright future. So I'm working for a better me every tomorrow. Walaupun sometimes terleka, terlalai..after all, I am a human being. al-Insan, which means manusia yang mudah lupa.

So, saja nak mencoret sikit tentang perjalanan dan pencapaian aku with my family especially for the whole 2012..because I was inspired by Rahmah's writing, my friend in Herbalife. Heheh. Teringin jugak nak share flashback entry hew =D

January 2012 -->
Aku dan abang baru berhijrah ke Melaka. Masa ni kami baru je Active World Team in Herbalife. Kitorang decided untuk settle down di Melaka, lebih dekat dengan keluarga, and dengan niat untuk kembangkan Herbalife di Melaka. Sebab aku nampak sangat ramai kenalan dan family yang aku patut bantu di Melaka, yet masa tu orang Melaka tak kenal langsung Herbalife. HOM Melaka baru mula diadakan regularly. Bawah ni gambar first masa tengah deal dgn owner kedai..baru nak bayar deposit. Hehe

and kami ke ZEROTOHERO di Port Dickson..14 orang from my team alhamdulillah.

Then ada Active Supervisor Retreat di Sunway Pyramid..aku tak jumpa gambar.
Baru beli rumah, loan baru approved January haritu..
Income testimonials are not typical among distributors

February --> We attended SPECTACULAR!!! Alhamdulillah, that was our 3rd Spectacular, kitorang pergi bersama 30 orang dalam team kami.

We qualified for VIP, and dapat photo session with the guest speaker, Stephan Gratziani :)
Bak kata Rahmah:
I can tell you how grateful we were, sebab tak terlepas Spectacular 2012. If you want to know what Herbalife is, if you are new in Herbalife, if you are already in Herbalife berapa lama pun tak kisah, if you’re having problem with your business, if you’re stuck in your position, SPECTACULAR is WAJIB for you! 

Spectacular is an energy booster not for one day, one week or one month. Spectacular is so powerful, you’ll feel the impact for ONE WHOLE YEAR. And we were grateful we attend Spectacular with 20 people from our team. Amazing event, amazing things happened in the event, you just don’t want to go alone. Bring your loved ones, friends and family. It’s a life-changing event, Masya Allah. If you haven’t get your ticket while reading this, please get your ticket from me. Insya Allah it’s worth. A lot.

March --> 
Got back from Spectacular, we immediately took action, applying all the knowledge and skills, with the belief we got from SPECTACULAR 2012. We worked as hard as we can. We woke up everyda doing our daily method of operation, talking to people about the nutrition, attracting serious people who want to change their life, work with those who are serious in improving their life, and Alhamdulillah March we hit our 1st cut GET :)

April -->
Heheh. ZEROTOHERO again!! But kali ni aku tak pergi. Bulan April aku di ambang bersalin. Memang aku dah tak duduk rumah sendiri. Kitorang stay kat rumah Mama, just in case anything happen, I have my family to look after me hehe. ZEROTOHERO was on the 15th - 16th, and aku bersalin 15th. Abang terus rush from PD lepas aku inform waterbag dah pecah :) Alhamdulillah, rezeki paling bernilai bagi aku setakat ni..

May -->
EXTRAVAGANZA Singapore!! Heheh. Again, abang je yang pergi sebab aku still dalam pantang. Alhamdulillah, during pantang, we qualified for out final cut GET :)
Rezeki bertambah alhamdulillah, since that, Herbalife pay us melalui 4 arah which are: retail cash profit, komisyen, royalty, and bonus. BEST SANGAT-SANGAT!!

June --> Masa ni 'honeymoon' sikit. Sebab baru jadi fully qualified GET, ban yak recognition. Memang admit, kitorang rest sebulan. huahua. Personal volume pun 6000vp je -__-" Kakak aku Wani time ni ada kat Malaysia, so banyak berjalan-jalan dengan Wani jugak..

Yassir nye rambut still pelik sangat waktu ni hahah

July -->
Herbalife brought us to TOKYO for a FREE Vacation!! 

dapat amek gambar dengan our GM anytime we want :)

Then ada ZEROTOHERO lagiiiii wuhuuu ;)

with total of 34 from our team alhamdulillah :)
Bulan July juga adalah bulan RAMADHAN :) Ramadhan kedua ku bersama suami terhebat, dan juga dengan pertambahan seorang ahli syurga dalam keluarga aku ;)

August -->
RAYA!! :D and the best thing about August is aku dapat hadiah kereta idaman :) Honda Accord for my birthday heeeee :D

September --> 
We went to Macau for a Herbalife international training, Herbalife University. Recognition GET on the international stage, kitorang bawak Yassir sekali!! BEST :D

October -->
Dream Team Retreat at Bukit Gambang Resort City, fully paid by Herbalife :) Masa awal bulan October, umur Yassir 5 bulan setengah, 2 gigi pertama Muhammad Yassir tumbuh. Demam panas for one whole week, I couldn't focus much on my business, so personal volume cuma 8246vp je T.T Tak berjaya grab promotion Macbook offered by Mell. Huhu.

November -->
ZEROTOHERO!! With 55 from our team alhamdulillah:) Bulan ni diuji lagi dengan Yassir's first bleeding and hospitalized experience..

December --> just ended, alhamdulillah. Yassir genap 8 bulan setengah when December ends :)

Alhamdulillah for the wonderful year! 2013 is gong to be much more adventurous and amazing for us inshaAllah. And definitely we're going to improve our lifestyle A LOT!! InshaAllah, biiznillah :) Dah banyak sangat dreams yang aku dan abang listkan for the whole 2013. Travelling to Paris, Melbourne, UK, Bangkok, umrah, inshaAllah. MANY MORE, I will share all of them in this blog when our dreamboard dah siap nanti eh heheh. But for sure, nak capai semua impian2 yang besar2 tu, kitorang perlukan energy yang luar biasa, kitorang perlu keep on belajar, attend trainings untuk keep ourself motivated! That's why YOU will CANNOT afford to miss the LIFE-CHANGING event yang kitorang akan attend this month of January. Start your year 2013 with this amazing event!!

The guest speaker, JOHN TARTOL, dah consume Herbalife for more than 30 years!!! Nak tengok rupa beliau? Nah..

More than 15,000 orang dari seluruh MALAYSIA akan hadir di Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil!! 25-27 January. SMS us 0126714353 if you are interested to be part of us!! RESERVE YOUR SPECTACULAR TICKET TODAY!! 

Aku akhiri entry aku harini dengan this inspiring video :) 

All the best for 2013 inshaAllah :)


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