Monash Interfaith Forum
Okay. gambar di bawah sangat bermakna bagi saya. Bukan nak berlagak. Cuma nak berkongsi kegembiraan :)

9 August 2010
Plenary Theater, Monash University Sunway Campus
pic taken by Aleen :D
Nak cerita flow of the story before, during, and after I was on the stage representing MUSLIMS for the Monash Interfaith Forum last 9th August 2010 :)
Event tu was planned since last semester, which the idea datang dari the President of Monash Christian Fellowship (MCF). Dia suarakan idea tu pada aku. And I was like ' WHOAAA I AGREE!!' Sebab aku dah lama jadi alumni Friendly Comparative Religion (FCR) organised by satu NGO ni, named Islamic Information Services (IIS). Aku selalu berangan-angan nak buat event macam Interfaith Dialogue, aku asyik la duk suarakan angan-angan aku tu pada my committee, but no action taken. I repeat, NO ACTION TAKEN. my bad :(
Until the Pres of MCF ajak our club to join the event, and we organised it together with all other religious clubs in Monash. Punyalah banyak meeting. Kesian Aleen kena attend meeting yg sangat banyak tu, sbb I was not present due to lots of reasons.
So okay la kan. Meeting punya meeting, datang satu masalah yg sangat HEBAT. Our club belum ada lagi speaker until a week before the event!. ARGHHH. Aku baru balik from Bali time tu, and aku tengah serabut dengan masalah hidup yg sangat banyak. And, aku jugak kena fikir siapa speaker should aku dapatkan untuk the event. I was like. BOLEH TAK NAK RESIGN AND MALAS DAH NAK SERABUTKAN KEPALA OTAK UNTUK THIS CLUB?
Aku dah nak give up. WHAT? GIVE UP? that's not my word!
So aku tabahkan hati. sebab aku tahu, as the VP of Monash Islamic Society (MIS), it's not easy to merely resign and ask somebody to replace me. Lagipun, aku dah nak naik pangkat jadi President in less than 3 months from now. Memang tak lah kan resign resign ni. Semua orang pun mesti marah sebab menyusahkan diorang.
Aku pun usaha la jugak cari speaker, and buat muka tebal sebab last minute baru nak work for the speaker. Last last, aku dapat gak persetujuan daripada Xifu Naseer, whom the speaker yg kitorang pernah invite for our previous Successful event, The Q-Mark Series.
Aku pun dengan happy nye, inform dekat Aleen and the organiser, WE ALREADY HAVE A SPEAKER!.
Then they asked: "Is he/she Monash student?"
I answered: No, why?
They: Can u please make him/her one? Because all of us provide Monash student as our representative. So, to make it fair, we need u to represent Monash student as well.
Me: What?
HUH! Leceh kot?
And Aleen dah terus tunjuk ke arah Atie. "Atie je lah jadi speaker!"
Aku tergamam jap. AKU JADI SPEAKER?. Memanglah aku pernah berangan nak jadi speaker, but tu angan-angan je okay!. Lagipun IIS will never allow any from the alumni to be a speaker without at least a month training. We had about only 4 days to the event, and I WILL BE THE SPEAKER. Can u imagine that?
Si dia dah marah- sebab kalau nak ikut etika perbandingan agama, tak boleh suka-suka represent Islam on stage kalau takde training, sebab each word we say will give impact to ISLAM. sama ada Islam tu jatuh atau naik, semuanya bergantung pada aku. Mampu ke aku nak tanggung risiko tu?
Tapi, aku sahut gak cabaran sebab I've got no choice. I have to do this. Kalau tak budak-budak agama lain marah kat aku. Nanti belum ape-ape nama Islam dah jatuh, betul tak?
So, dengan kesungguhan aku dan si dia, kami ulang alik from Sunway to Setiawangsa untuk training bersama seniors FCR di IIS. Thanks to Bro Mas, Kak Tuty, Bro Rahmat, Bro Yaseer, and awak. Sebab sudi layan saya yang ZERO ni to be HERO, haha.perasan.
To be honest, aku tak pernah ada pengalaman dalam public speaking. or anything like that. So, nak tahu tak ape yg aku buat?. Aku bukak youtube, aku guna speech yg diorang buat dalam youtube, aku amek ayat-ayat yg bombastic, and aku alter ikut hati aku. Walaupun aku copy speech orang lain, tapi for sure, bila kita bagi speech, orang hanya akan dapat feeling tu if we say it from our heart, betul?
9th August 2010
Hari bersejarah bagi aku. The hall was FULL, sampai ada yg duduk dekat tangga. Aku presenter terakhir. Risau sebab takut orang dah bosan kan dengar presentation agama lain. Slides aku ada 4-5 keping je haha. HOW AM I GOING TO PRESENT WITHOUT SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF SLIDES? Sebab selama ni kalau ada presentation dalam class, selalu cakap based on slides, tapi kali ni, berbeza. Aku kena cakap banyak, berdasarkan slides yg sangat sedikit.
Masa speech tu, aku cakap sepenuh hati. of course, aku menggigil. BERAT tanggungjawab aku wey. And when it comes to al-Quran part, aku jadi sebak. ada satu part tengah-tengah tu, aku sebak+ menggigil. end up, aku tak boleh cakap. aku stop for 10sec. aku alihkan mic, calm down, and continue. Then aku okay balik.
I got a big applause from the crowds. Masa tu aku biasa je. sebab bagi aku, semua orang pun dapat tepukan gemuruh. So I am no different.
After that, ada Q&A session. Banyak gila soalan aku dapat. Korang boleh g google common questions people ask about Islam. Soalan-soalan tu lah yg aku dapat. Okay this part, aku takde training langsung. Aku kena jawab ikut apa yg aku tahu je. APA YANG AKU TAHU?. aku pun tak tahu apa yg aku tahu!.
But the fact that, I answered all questions WELL. alhamdulillah. Thanks to all yg tolong aku time nak pilih questions yg I should entertain. :)
Aku biasa lagi.
After event.
Okay, this part sangat buat aku happy. Professors from agama lain and audience ramai gila datang jumpa aku, and congratulate aku sbb diorang kata, my speech was very good. Aku mcm tak percaya. But alhamdulillah, baru aku tahu, Allah ada dengan aku masa aku on the stage. Serius, sampai sekarang aku tak percaya aku yg atas pentas tu.
And the best part, si dia, yg memang dah banyak pengalaman jadi speaker and penceramah motivasi, and speaker utk topic Christianity kalau ada FCR kat mana-mana, comment speech aku as 'IMPRESSIVE, LAIN DARI YANG LAIN'
Thanks to kawan-kawan yg datang, support aku. And to Mama Ayah, family aku yg nak datang, tapi tak dapat, and to all!.I love u all :D
Alhamdulillah. aku sayang Allah. aku sayang Islam. :)
i never thinking of using u tube to create good speech..
i wuld try it inshaAllah...
tak record ke? kalo record boleh gak dgr dan belajar drpd atie. inshaAllah
Betulla. Kena yakin yg Allah akan bantu HambaNya yg nak bantu Islam.:)
xde recording ke?hehe
Semoga Islam subur di bumi Monash..=)
da lame tak singgh sini...
subhanallah kak.
kekuatan luarbiasa, performance luar biasa tu memang sentiasa ada n terjadi bila Allah bersama kita kan, kak? =)
feel inspired reading your post. ^_~
hu. perlu buat sesuatu kat region canada gak nih =T
but where should i start, ay? hu
any suggestion, kak atie?