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It's Becoming Too Much of A Mess Now

 Bismillah. Hello readers! (I bet if there's any 😝) Tiba-tiba I terasa nak menulis kembali. Yep, after 8 years. Entah kenapa, I terasa serabut dengan media sosial sekarang, too much videos, too many people talking, too loud of musics, everybody is trying to get the most attention possible. Penat tengok. And I am pretty sure, they people are exhausted too. It's just how it is now. Orang nak cari makan. By making use of social media. I am not leaving my instagram nor facebook. I cuma terasa nak kembali ke blog, di mana I boleh menulis apa yang terbuku dalam isi hati I ni dengan aman, panjang lebar tanpa perlu mengharapkan sesiapa tekan butang 'like'. It's just me, sharing my heart with those who also love to read. So yeah, I will write more oftenly after this. Here. InshaAllah. You won't have to wait another 8 years to see my next post, I promise you this. HAHA! Till next post peep, byeee!

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